Life is a journey.

A journey could be a leisure escape to exotic places from daily grind. It has a much deeper meaning for me when there is need to retrieve myself from the familiar environment where harbour many of my bad or good habits. On one hand, I know these habit or pattern are gradually eroding my passions in life, however on the other hand, the comfort zone where I stay is too comfortable to step out. I love the sensation when all senses are being awaken up in a profoundly new places. This is the sensation of re-connection to inner self which is often omitted in daily basis. It freshen up the dullness and go deeper beyond the superficial life routine layer. We often forget there is always a voice inside each of us. We have to listen these voices in order to solve confusions, problems in life. That is the beauty of travel in the way gaining new perspectives in order to make positive changes

My all time favourite book is “The Alchemist”, by Paul Coelho which is about a sherpard boy, Santiago, embarked his journey in order to seek his personal legend. Throughout his journey, he seeks his inner voice which guided him to his destination. The story is telling the art of listening to your own voice. Being brought up in a society which never encourage to live in the free will of your voice. I used to think my path should follow what society/ parents/ peer expectation, their expectations invisible tranformed into my personal expectations. I used to see life and success through other people lens. I feel grateful to read this book as my first wake up call.

It has been three years since my last published writing. At the time, I quitted my job and fully immersed travelling to very far places in the world. It was the most memorable time in my life. Besides, being with so many interesting people in so many interesting places, I really wish I could share my feelings that it is why I began this blog.

From being a traveller to resume as a full-time dentist. Life once again became so occupied by the job routine. There were times I would wonder if this is the time to give up this blog page. Without taking this courage to give up, I decided to log in then took a deep breath and began to READ what I wrote in the blog. Between the lines, I feels like traveling in the past time. I rekindle the joy and sensation when hiking in the wild Andes of Patagonia. Snorkelling in search of sea turtles in tropical blue ocean in Okinawa. Nevertheless, it also brought me the sense of conflicts and identify crisis triggered by the social movement in my beloved city Hong Kong. All these adventures were driven by desire of seeking what serve the true meaning of being in this world.

Although the writing was in pause during these years, my journeys were kept going on. This time I find yoga. The fact is the Zen bell didn’t ring at my first down-dog or warrior poses. At the beginning, I regarded yoga was just physical fitness exercise to relief my occupational stress. Gradually, I realised that the yoga practices go far beyond physical benefits, it becomes my habit to practice after a long stressful working day. To restore myself into a calmer, less anxious person. I aware myself the shift from seeking pleasure by each new travel, transiting to explore internally the sense of peace after each yoga class practice. Curiosity has brought me to my first Hatha yoga teacher training. It affirms me that yoga is the right path to seek my life purpose. More importantly, it answered my all my doubts about the relationship between our body, mind and spirit. Yoga truthfully is an art of combining ancient philosophy to modern day neuroscience. It has re-directed my life to begin the travel inward within myself. Bliss is already inside each of us.

And so, my journey still continue and the same for this blog.  For the love of yoga, I really want to share my passions and gather people going along towards this path. As a healthcare profession, I particular keen on integrating the knowledge of yoga with regards to healing. The practice of yoga allow me to understand healing is not just limited to physical wound, in many case, healing takes places internally from our mind level. You are your own medicine. The power of healing is already inside you



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